Friday, June 15, 2012

BREAKING NEWS!!! - Chiropractic Doesn't Work

Dr. Herbert Daly adjusts Dr. Young
Yes, it is strange that a chiropractor is breaking this news!

But, before you cancel your next appointment with your chiropractor, let's get beyond the sound-bite. First, let's look at the source of this story. In fact, there was no study done at any university that proved that chiropractic doesn't work. The news that I am reporting arose out of my own mental meanderings. It simply struck me this morning that chiropractic doesn't work.

As they do in "science", I will define my terms:
  • BREAKING NEWS!!! - a story of the day
  • Chiropractic - spinal manipulation, the central therapy of the chiropractic profession
  • Doesn't Work - does not provide improvement in patients' symptoms nor function
Just to make this a bit more edgy, the other BREAKING NEWS!!! is that DRUGS DON'T WORK EITHER!!! But we can talk about that in a minute.

So this morning I was doing my yoga, taking my magnesium glycinate, having my gluten-free and diary-free breakfast, and thinking too much, when it popped into my mind that chiropractic spinal manipulation often does not work at resolving patients' pains, conditions, or diseases, when patients continue to live in the ways that caused the condition in the first place. I acknowledge that in some cases, usually for a limited time, symptoms can be resolved and function restored, with just spinal manipulation.

Now, back to those DRUGS.  You know that when an individual is diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure) or diabetes, that the first thing the average MD does is to prescribe a drug. And you may know that most patients are not adequately advised of the critical importance of lifestyle change to cure these conditions, so most of them take the drug and don't change their lives. Predictably, over time, the drug doesn't work and the MD has to increase the dose, change to another drug, or add a second or third drug. And, of course, we know that the DRUG DIDN'T WORK because as quickly as the patient stops the drug, the symptoms or functional imbalances return.

It is not BREAKING NEWS!!! that improved lifestyle --- exercise, more veggies, loving relationships, removing food allergens from the diet, ample sleep, meditation, vitamins --- improves everything and makes all treatments, drugs or chiropractic spinal manipulation work better.

CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL MANIPULATION actually WORKS GREAT WHEN DONE BY SKILLED INDIVIDUALS!!! - but it works even better when patients are actively, consciously, and knowledgeably engaged in improving the ways in which they live.

What is your LIFESTYLE? Please post below, one aspect of your lifestyle that you want to improve.

Lest there be any confusion, I love spinal manipulation for myself, my family and for my patients. It is a remarkable, powerful and extremely safe therapy. 30 years of adjusting thousands of spines has provided innumerable experiences of instant improvement and of relief from previously untreatable conditions.

Ventura Chiropractor


  1. Hi Dr. Young:
    What a great post and I totally agree with you. I know on a deep level that when I don't improve my lifestyle, my symptoms won't improve over time. For me, my challenge is inflammation which has shown up as arthritis and cancer. The lifestyle I'm working on to improve is to create a more alkaline environment in my body through the foods and beverages I ingest. I'm improving and the more right choices I make the better I feel and then its easier to make the right choices. Plus, its really important to meet myself where I am and embrace all my efforts, understand what hinders me and not spiral off into a place of guilt and blame.
    Thank you for all you do for those of us who call you our chiropractor and friend. Your unconditional support is priceless along with the knowledge and guidance you impart.
    Barbara G.

    1. Barbara,
      Thank you so very much!
      You are doing great work! How powerful when we can simply, lovingly face ourselves.
      Thank you for your loving comments. As you know, it means so much to me to contribute, to be of support, and to be a friend.
      Dr. Young :)

  2. Excellent point! I get quite frustrated with people who talk to me about their health problems who are clearly just looking for a magic potion or pill. It had been my goal for a long time to step up my exercise program, been actually doing it, and it is making a tremendous difference. ~Jean

    1. Jean,
      Don't seem to be any magic pills, do there?
      Exercise is one that I need work on too.
      Thank you!
      Dr. Young

  3. I had the amazing experience on day 5 of a 7 day fast, of my stiff neck suddenly feeling completely pain free & allowing full motion. I have experienced that sort of relief in a matter of minutes during a chiro session. However, after fasting, the relief lasted much longer. My guess is that chiro can jumpstart the healing that can result from a beneficial change in diet.

    1. Dear Anon,
      Big yes!!! How powerful when we experience a direct relationship between what we eat and how we feel or function!
      Skilled chiropractic treatment can jumpstart, and can help the patient feel and know the areas of the spine and body that need attention. As you say, diet is simply much more powerful! My choice is to attend to my diet and to see my chiropractor on a regular basis just as is prudent with ones dentist.
      Dr. Young

  4. Hi Dr. Young, I read your current article and I agree 100% with all you say. At one time you advised me to stop drinking and consuming all types of dairy. I stopped for awhile and felt really great my joints felt much better and then I got back into the old habits. You suggested I stop eating anything with wheat. I also, stopped and actually lost weight. Well, that sorry to say did not last long. You also, recommended that I have my vitamin D level checked and to take vitamin D, did I do it of course not. Now I know how very right you were. I stopped drinking milk, I do not consume wheat products and I was prescribed 50,000 units of vitamin D twice a week. Dr. Young you have been so right about everything. I read the book Eat to live, by Dr. Furhman and currently reading your recommended book by Mark Hyman, The blood sugar solution. I am cooking only natural food. Eating lots of veggies and following his outline for filling up my plate with half of the plate greens of all kinds cooked or raw, whole grains, and a small portion of grassfed protein. Dr. Young thank you for caring about all of your patients and really sincerely looking out for our well being. You are the greatest.


    1. Oh Lydia,

      You touch my heart! You, just like the others who have commented on this post, are such a wonderful person!

      Thank you for being able to make change and become more healthy! I knew you could! Your health is a comfort and uplift to me.

      Thank you for sharing your experience, and for sharing what I call "being a slow learner". I am a slow learner too. :) The nice thing is that everyone I know is a slow learner in some way. So we can relax, love ourselves, and stay focused on gradually moving toward better balance and greater comfort.

      I want to start a gluten-free group. Would you be interested?

      Dr. Young

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Delighted that I found your site, fantastic info. I will bookmark and try to visit more frequently.

  7. chiropractors wyckoff,
    I'm glad it is valuable to you!
    Dr. Young
