Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Weighing the Risks

Front page Ventura County Star - Sunday, June 17, 2012 by Tom Kisken

Great, needed article, and I am ready to weigh in.

But first, I want to be clear that it is not my intention to speak against, nor unkindly toward anyone; those with weight problems (health problems more accurately), those who have had or are considering bariatric surgery, not anyone. Rather, my comments are intended to bring light to the known risks, and to advise those who don't know that there is enormous evidence that there are better and safer ways for most people to lose weight and become healthy.

Risks to the individual are substantial. According to the Mayo Clinic, longer term risks and complications of weight-loss surgery vary depending on the type of surgery. They can include:
    Bowel obstruction
    Dumping syndrome, causing diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
    Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
    Stomach perforation
    Death (rare)

Additionally there are risks to our culture both by the promotion of a fix that doesn't address the cause of obesity, and by the lack of attention to the lifestyle, nutritional, physiologic and emotional causes of obesity.

In my general practice, spanning almost 30 years, I have advised many patients that food allergies often cause weight gain. Removing dairy products from the diet often results in weight loss without counting calories or measuring portions. It is well known that removing gluten (the dominant protein in wheat) from the diet often results in weight loss. It is important to note that the removal of dairy and gluten don't just result in weight loss for many, but also clearly and consistently improve health, energy and mood.

A 32 year-old female patient of mine lost 65 pounds in 9 months when, as I advised, she took gluten completely out of her diet. She had struggled with her weight her entire life.

Most Americans are deficient in vitamin D; the sunshine vitamin. Turns out that low blood levels of vitamin D have been shown to correlate with difficulty shedding unhealthy pounds. 

There is no single magic bullet for weight loss (the real goal is getting well, excess fat loss follows), but I can tell you that patient after patient that I treat for weight issues, has never been previously advised that dairy products, gluten and low vitamin D can be powerful factors in weight gain. These are just 3 examples of factors that most obese and overweight individuals have never had the opportunity to consider or to experiment with for themselves.

My friend, Mark Hyman, MD is a world-renowned expert on weight loss through a Functional Medicine approach. His most recent New York Times bestseller is entitled The Blood Sugar Solution. If you want to really look at smart and doable ways to lose weight through becoming healthy, please read his book! Dr. Hyman helped President Clinton gain the amazing health that he has today, through this plan.

For me, this discussion of the obesity part of our disease epidemic, is not about who is wrong, bad, or to blame. It is about our mutual future, that calls for us to work together in friendship for our common good, our common health.


Friday, June 15, 2012

BREAKING NEWS!!! - Chiropractic Doesn't Work

Dr. Herbert Daly adjusts Dr. Young
Yes, it is strange that a chiropractor is breaking this news!

But, before you cancel your next appointment with your chiropractor, let's get beyond the sound-bite. First, let's look at the source of this story. In fact, there was no study done at any university that proved that chiropractic doesn't work. The news that I am reporting arose out of my own mental meanderings. It simply struck me this morning that chiropractic doesn't work.

As they do in "science", I will define my terms:
  • BREAKING NEWS!!! - a story of the day
  • Chiropractic - spinal manipulation, the central therapy of the chiropractic profession
  • Doesn't Work - does not provide improvement in patients' symptoms nor function
Just to make this a bit more edgy, the other BREAKING NEWS!!! is that DRUGS DON'T WORK EITHER!!! But we can talk about that in a minute.

So this morning I was doing my yoga, taking my magnesium glycinate, having my gluten-free and diary-free breakfast, and thinking too much, when it popped into my mind that chiropractic spinal manipulation often does not work at resolving patients' pains, conditions, or diseases, when patients continue to live in the ways that caused the condition in the first place. I acknowledge that in some cases, usually for a limited time, symptoms can be resolved and function restored, with just spinal manipulation.

Now, back to those DRUGS.  You know that when an individual is diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure) or diabetes, that the first thing the average MD does is to prescribe a drug. And you may know that most patients are not adequately advised of the critical importance of lifestyle change to cure these conditions, so most of them take the drug and don't change their lives. Predictably, over time, the drug doesn't work and the MD has to increase the dose, change to another drug, or add a second or third drug. And, of course, we know that the DRUG DIDN'T WORK because as quickly as the patient stops the drug, the symptoms or functional imbalances return.

It is not BREAKING NEWS!!! that improved lifestyle --- exercise, more veggies, loving relationships, removing food allergens from the diet, ample sleep, meditation, vitamins --- improves everything and makes all treatments, drugs or chiropractic spinal manipulation work better.

CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL MANIPULATION actually WORKS GREAT WHEN DONE BY SKILLED INDIVIDUALS!!! - but it works even better when patients are actively, consciously, and knowledgeably engaged in improving the ways in which they live.

What is your LIFESTYLE? Please post below, one aspect of your lifestyle that you want to improve.

Lest there be any confusion, I love spinal manipulation for myself, my family and for my patients. It is a remarkable, powerful and extremely safe therapy. 30 years of adjusting thousands of spines has provided innumerable experiences of instant improvement and of relief from previously untreatable conditions.

Ventura Chiropractor